
Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to use the clean attribute.
  • Define a custom clean function.

In the last section, we changed the heatmap plotting function and had to manually remove the target to have it regenerated. Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to do that? Yes, yes it would!

The best way to accomplish this is via the clean attribute. As one might guess, the clean attribute should be a function which cleans up after the task. Conveniently, the project creator has included an extremely useful function for this, called clean_targets, which just goes ahead and rm‘s the target for that task. Here’s what it looks like included in our humble download task.

from doit.task import clean_targets

def task_download_data():
     return {'actions': ['curl -OL'],
             'targets': ['Melee_data.csv.gz'],
             'uptodate': [run_once],
             'clean': [clean_targets]}

Now, if we run doit clean, the data file will be removed; if we run doit, all the tasks will be rerun, because they all depend directly or indirectly on the downloaded data file.

Pydoit’s creator clearly saw that removing the targets would be an extremely common task. As such, one does not actually need to import the clean_targets function; just passing [True] to clean will suffice. However, if you would like both remove the targets and do something else to revert your task, the list should include clean_targets and whatever other callable or string you’d like run.

clean can also be a shell command or function that the user defines. For example, we might want to inform the user where the pipeline got the file they just blew away.


def task_download_data():

    def print_url():
        print 'File was retrieved from: {0}'.format(DATA_URL)

    return {'actions': ['curl -OL {0}'.format(DATA_URL)],
             'targets': ['Melee_data.csv.gz'],
             'uptodate': [run_once],
             'clean': [clean_targets, print_url]}

The clean attribute takes the same form as actions or even uptodate, and so can also be a string to be executed in the shell.

Clean all the things

Add clean attributes to all the currently defined tasks. If you’d like, get creative with your attributes. Include two clean actions in at least one of the tasks (the second doesn’t have to do anything groundbreaking).