Context Managers and IPython Notebook

Recently, I’ve been making a lot of progress on the lamprey transcriptome project, and that has involved a lot of IPython notebook. While I’ll talk about lamprey in a later post, I first want to talk about a nice technical tidbit I came up with while trying to manage a large IPython notebook with lots of figures. This involved learning some more about the internals of matplotlib, as well as the usefulness of the with statement in python.

So first, some background! matplotlib is the go-to plotting package for python. It has many weaknesses, and a whole series of posts could be (and has been) written about why we should use something else, but for now, its reach is long and it is widely used in the scientific community. It’s particularly useful in concert with IPython notebook, where figures can be embedded into cells inline. However, an important feature(?) of matplotlib is that it’s built around a state machine; when it comes to deciding what figure (and other components) are currently being worked with, matplotlib keeps track of the current context globally. That allows you to just call plot() at any given time and have your figures be pushed more or less where you’d like. It also means that you need to keep track of the current context, lest you end up drawing a lot of figures onto the same plot and producing a terrible abomination from beyond space and time itself.

IPython has a number of ways of dealing with this. While in its inline mode, the default behavior is to simply create a new plotting context at the beginning of each cell, and close it at the cell’s completion. This is convenient because it means the user doesn’t have to open and close figures manually, saving a lot of coding time and boilerplate. It becomes a burden, however, when you have a large notebook, with lots of figures, some of which you don’t want to be automatically displayed. While we can turn off the automatic opening and closing of figures with

%config InlineBackend.close_figures = False

we’re now stuck with having to manage our own figure context. Suddenly, our notebooks aren’t nearly as clean and beautiful as they once were, being littered with ugly declarations of new figures and axes, calls to gcf() and, and other such not-pretty things. I like pretty things, so I sought out a solution. As it tends to do, python delivered.

Enter context managers!

Some time ago, many’s a programmer was running into a similar problem with opening and closing files (well, and a lot of other use cases). To do things properly, we needed to do exception handling to properly and cleanly call close() on our file pointers when something went wrong. To handle such instances, python introduced context managers and the with statement. From the docs:

A context manager is an object that defines the runtime context to be established when executing a with statement. The context manager handles the entry into, and the exit from, the desired runtime context for the execution of the block of code.

Though this completely washes out the ~awesomeness~ of context managers, it does sound about like what we want! In simple terms, context managers are just objects that implement the __enter__ and __exit__ methods. When you use the with statement on one of them, __enter__ is called, where we put our setup code ; if it returns something, it takes the name given it by as. __exit__ is called after the with block is left, and contains the teardown code. For our purposes, we want to take care of matplotlib context. Without further ado, let’s look at an example that does what we want:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class FigManager(object):

    def __init__(self, fn='', exts=['svg', 'pdf', 'png', 'eps'], 
        show=False, nrows=1, ncols=1, 
        figsize=(18,12), tight_layout=True,

    if plt.gcf():
            print 'leaving context of', repr(plt.gcf())

    self.fig, = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, 

    self.fn = fn
    self.exts = exts = show

    assert self.fig == plt.gcf()

def __enter__(self):

    return self.fig,

def __exit__(self, exc_t, exc_v, trace_b):

    if exc_t is not None:
    print 'ERROR', exc_t, exc_v, trace_b

    if self.fn:
    print 'saving figure', repr(self.fig)
    for ext in self.exts:
        self.fig.savefig('{}.{}'.format(self.fn, ext))

    assert self.fig == plt.gcf()
    print 'showing figure', repr(self.fig)

    print 'closing figure', repr(self.fig)
    del self.fig
    print 'returning context to', repr(plt.gcf())

Let’s break this down. The __init__ actually does most of our setup here; it takes some basic parameters to pass to plt.subplots, as well as some parameters for whether we want to show the plot and whether we want to save the result to file(s). The __enter__ method returns the generated figure and axes objects. Finally, __exit__ saves the figure to the file name with the given extensions (matplotlib uses the extension to infer the file format), and shows the plot if necessary. It then calls plt.close() on the figure, deletes the axes objects from the figure, and calls del on both instances just to be sure. The three expected parameters to __exit__ are for exception handling, which is discussed in greater detail in the docs.

Here’s an example of how I used it in practice:

with FigManager('genes_per_sample', figsize=tall_size) as (fig, ax):

    genes_support_df.sum().plot(kind='barh', fontsize=14, color=labels_df.color, figure=fig, ax=ax)
    ax.set_title('Represented Genes per Sample')

That’s taken directly out of the lamprey notebook where I first implemented this. I usually put a filelink in there, so that the resulting image can easily be viewed in its own tab for closer inspection.

The point is, all the normal boilerplate for handling figures is done in one line and the code is much more clear and pretty! And of course, most importantly, the original goal of not automatically displaying figures is also taken care of.

I consider this yak shaved.
